Lessons in Leadership from Mr. Buffet (Jimmy, not Warren)
Whaaaat? You’re going to try to tell me that a man whose made a fortune singing about beaches, pirates and margaritas has more to offer? Well…yes.
Maybe it’s just because I miss summer. Maybe it’s because I’ve been in too many intense meetings and need a break – but – whatever the impetus, I thought you’d enjoy a few pearls of Buffet wisdom:
Come Monday, it’ll be alright. My interpretation: breathe. Relax. Get some distance from the issue / person / challenge and all of the sudden it loses some of its intensity. This is a variation of my 24-hour rule: when I receive that email, text or voicemail that makes me want to respond RIGHT NOW(!), I don’t. In fact, that level of energy is my signal NOT to reply just then. I take some time, try to review from the other person’s point of view…and then reply. It tends to lead to much better results – for both of us.
Yesterday’s over my shoulder, and I can’t look backward too long. There’s just too much to see waiting in front of me. How hopeful is that? And how many of us spend time on “shoulda / coulda” thinking. We can’t change the past. We can change our actions, our narrative and our thinking. AND the course of our future.
It’s my job to be better than the best. We all strive to do our best. To give our all. Better than the best is all up to interpretation: a personal best? The company’s best? Best in the world at your craft? You decide. Set the benchmark and go for it!
Breathe in, breathe out, move on. Kind of says it all..!
Finally – remember: we all have a little fruitcake in us. Learn to appreciate the things that make your friends and colleagues unique. Learn to appreciate them in yourself – and to laugh at yourself. Life’s too short to be too serious.